Other Web Sites – That may be of interest
The links below are a mixture of Hexsol clients and other general web sites that you may find of interest. Hexsol Ltd. is not responsible for the ocntent of external web sites.
KT Electronics
As well as commercial telephone systems KT Electronics supply and instal public address systems and video streaming services for places of worship in the UK.
Salford Van Hire
Salford Van Hire is one of the most successful fleet operators in the country and has been a Hexsol client for over 30 years.
CJP Sales
CJP Sales, is more than just a distributor, with over 25 years of experience and a warehouse with 300 tonne of stock they are a specialist, technical Supplier of all plastic raw materials.
Penarth Chamber Music Festival
World class concerts against a backdrop of stunning seascapes. Distinguished musicians bring the international stage to Penarth.
Hexsol is proud to support this premier chamber music festival.
Peter Bamfield - A life In Colour
Fascinated by colour Peter has published a number of books and papers and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Member of the Society of Dyers and Colourists.
Informing and charting your organisation’s cultural improvment journey